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Honoree Nomination Process


The Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club has established recognition of Honorees to formally honor the contributions of the many outstanding athletes, coaches, administrators, teachers, mentors and supporters of the Greater Waterbury athletic programs. An Honoree serves as a symbol of our appreciation of the excellence, honor, and devotion displayed by celebrated individuals and teams.

Nomination & Selection Process: 
1) A maximum of three (3) individuals / teams / groups will be selected as Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club Honorees during any given year. Upon being selected as an Honoree, the individual will receive a certificate embossed with the State of Connecticut Legislative seal, and a plaque with the inductee's confirmation of being named an Honoree by the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club. The said individual who is selected as an Honoree will also be eligible for Hall of Fame status in the future above other potential candidates who have not been selected as Honorees. A selection for the above said honor will be determined on the basis of a nominee in the processes below.

2) There will be no residency requirement to be considered for a nomination; There will be no gender requirements to be eligible for a nomination as a Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club Honoree.


3) Any individual with a demonstrated interest and extensive history within the Greater Waterbury Athletic Programs may submit a nomination. An individual may NOT nominate himself or herself as a potential Honoree. All nominations must be sponsored and signed off by a current member of the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club, as well as signed off by the individual making the actual nomination if the aforesaid individual is not currently a member of the club. A Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club Honoree Nomination Form must be submitted and signed off by the appropriate parties mentioned above.

4) All nominations will be presented to the Nomination Committee Chairperson, who will in-turn present it to the Club Officers with recommendations from the Nomination Committee regarding the application of the nomination. The Final decision will be made by the Club Officers in accordance with the Nomination Committee Chairperson based on the discussions with the entire Nomination Committee.

5) Once an individual has been nominated, their nomination will remain active for a period of five [5] years or until such time they are selected as an Honoree. If that person is not selected during that five year period, the nomination will be disposed and a new nomination will have to be submitted via the process mentioned above.

6) The Nomination Committee shall consist of the Nomination Committee Chairperson, affirmed members of the Nomination Committee, up to, as well as the current Club President and Vice President as needed.

7) To be approved for the selection as an Honoree into the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club, the nominee must receive unanimous support from the Nomination Committee Chairperson, the Nomination Committee, up to, as well as the Club's current President and Vice-President.

8) The nomination process deadline will be December 1st of each year for the current year's selections for the Annual Awards Dinner in April of each year. Any nominations submitted after December 1st will not be given consideration for the current year and will be put into the file for the following year. Those chosen as Honorees by the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club will be informed by the Nomination Committee Chairperson and/or current club President. The details of the procedure going forward will be disclosed at that time.

9) The Honoree will be celebrated by the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club at their Annual Awards Dinner. This year's Awards Dinner will take place on Sunday, April 14th, 2019 at the Aqua Turf Club in Plantsville, Connecticut. The Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club will issue invitations to all honorees, their families, friends, school administrators and/or town officials for the honor of their presence at the Annual Awards Dinner.


10) Those chosen as an Honoree will need to submit online, via e-mail, or US mail, their complete Biographical information with all their highlighted accomplishments that may not have been submitted with the Honoree Nomination Form. Those individuals will also need to submit a head shot photo as well for our Program Book, the newspaper, our website and social media outlets. You will be given notification of this process for online submission upon your selection as an Honoree for the Greater Waterbury Sportsmen's Club.

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